Missions and Values

Our Mission

To be a Healthy, Growing, Disciple making Body Of Christ!

Our Vision

It is the vision of the Palermo Church to praise our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To share the good news of God's grace in a welcoming Christian community where everyone can feel the love, forgiveness and spiritual presence of the Lord as we continually grow in hope and faith together.

Our Goal


Throughout the year we come together to complete missions that directly benefit our community all the way to around the world. From our Angel Tree mission for local families to our Operation Christmas Child all around the world. From praying for students and teachers in and around our school districts to placing wreaths on the graves of veterans. Members of the church also support several children through Compassion International.

Our Trail Life USA and American Heritage Girls Troops lead the SYATP event on the third Wednesday of September! 

Operation Christmas Child

Our congregation partners with both our TLUSA and AHG troops to pack shoe boxes  every year!

See You At The Pole

No Sew Blankets

Operation Christmas Child

Community Rooms Revamp